The 2025 SNSBI spring conference will take place in Stirling on April 11-14.
Speakers and topics currently include: John Baker (Nottingham), tbc; Sofia Evemalm-Graham (Glasgow) on Death and Iona place-names; Peder Gammeltoft (Bergen) on AI and onomastics; Jake King (UHI) on the names of islands in Loch Lomond; Peter Kitson on adjectives and river names; Chris Lewis on the transferred name Cuilfail; Peter McNiven on the place-names of the Stirling area; Conchubhar Ó Crualaoich (Dublin), on evidence for Welsh settlers in place-names in Ireland; Justin Ó Gliasáin (Dublin), on Scottish influence on Donegal place-names; Aengus Ó Fionnagáin (Limerick) on the Irish Schools Folklore Collection and minor place-names; and Bill Paterson on Eldbotle and other names in Dirleton parish.
The booking form is here.
The second circular, containing booking details, is here. Bookings must be made by February 24.
Further details will follow when available.